In recent years, the POSM manufacturing industry has been challenged greatly. Until now, the main competitive factors for the company were process optimisation, lower manufacturing costs and human resources. This allowed them to compete with the Western market – today, however, these are no longer sufficient assets.
A new challenge for companies in this sector of the manufacturing industry is innovation. The awareness of Polish organisations in this area is growing rapidly. If we want to keep our company in the great race of the POSM market, we have to bet on development, and this should be the greatest focus for the near future. The development of new technologies or their new application is the most important factor in the development of a company.
The business development department in Polish organisations is not common, but it is becoming more and more often. This is where a great deal of responsibility rests today. Researching needs, analysing and checking possible directions of development are key competences and spaces in which we should move, because it is these elements that later on lead in a straight line to increased competitiveness.
The creation of such a department is a milestone in the development of a company. It should include people who are creative, committed and capable of developing visionary solutions. Their task is undoubtedly to assess the profitability of development activities and to constantly research and listen to the requirements of the market. However, it is also important to make a realistic assessment, allowing ideas to be filtered and selecting from among them projects that are feasible and sellable, while at the same time providing tangible benefits (including financial ones, of course) for the client.